Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fire Department Meeting Minutes May 24, 2011

May 24, 2011

Chief Milton Widener called the meeting to Order.  An attendance roster was passed around for signature.  A quorum was present.

A cat fish stew dinner was served by Milton Widener.

Equipment was transferred from the 1968 American La France county truck to a county newer truck (1978??) that had been previously stationed in Barnwell.  (See pictures posted earlier in the week.)

Chief Widener updated the medical status of two member families.

A critique / discussion was held on the house fire on Thursday afternoon on Main Street.  A quick response and knock down was made with a minimum of personnel.  Compliments were provided for members of the Williston Rescue Squad and Robert Bowers for assistance.

The next meeting is Tuesday June 14, 2011.

The meeting was adjourned.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Chief Widener Post

Supper meeting Tuesday (24th) at 6:30. Menu is CatFish stew. Timbo is going to try and have Station two's replacement truck at the station to swap over needed equipment. Hope all can make the meeting. Chief Widener

Friday, May 13, 2011

Fire Department at Savannah River Site Host Patriot Flag

Flag on 50-state tour stops in Jackson

An American flag that is traveling to all 50 states arrived in Jackson for a day before heading to Columbia Wednesday evening. The flag will be displayed at the site of Ground Zero on Sept. 11. 
The flag will be in Barnwell Saturday May 14, 2011.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Fire Department Meeting Minutes April 26, 2011

April 12, 2011

Chief Milton Widener called the meeting to Order.  An attendance roster was passed around for signature.  A quorum was present.

A spaghetti dinner was served prior to the meeting.

Personnel information sheet was updated.

Chief Widener discussed the possibility of adding a newsletter to increase communication.

The Bylaws were reviewed by the Department.  A number of motions were made, seconded and approved for changes in the Bylaws which will not be documented here.  A Bylaw Committee was volunteered/appointed to review the language changes prior to presentation to the Department. 

Chief Widener thanked Chris Hudson for his repair on the grill.

The next meeting is Tuesday May 11, 2011.

The meeting was adjourned.