Thursday, July 28, 2011

July 12, 2011 Meeting Minutes

July 12, 2011
Chief Milton Widener called the meeting to Order.  An attendance roster was passed around for signature.  A quorum was present. 

Chief Widener turned over calendar  and pool filling funds to the Treasurer for deposit.

The Chief discussed the following:
·         - announced the SCE&G seminar coming up on July 21 at 6:30 PM in North Augusta; discuss pipeline response.
·         - The air compressor has been recertified with Grade E air.
·         - 702 will be taken to Augusta for work on the air conditioner.
·         - Last months reports are complete.
·         - Several badges that were borrowed for dress uniforms have not as yet been returned.
·         - Grants will be open soon; plans are to submit at least two applications for bunker gear.
·         - Two sets of bunker gear have been ordered.
·         - 702’s mirror has been replaced.

Discussed the donation of four trailers to be used as a smoke house; Department members spoke in favor of the donation.

A critique was held of the Allendale Avenue fire; truck placement was good; a good stop; problems with the hydrant cap; and good response.

The Department enjoyed churned ice cream made by Chief Widener.

The meeting was adjourned.

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