Saturday, August 20, 2011

August 9, 2011 Meeting Minutes

August 9, 2011

Chief Milton Widener called the meeting to Order.  An attendance roster was passed around for signature.  A quorum was present.

The Department discussed briefly the trailer fire the previous Friday.

Department members were urged to bring bunker gear to alarms.

Chief Widener discussed the purchase of two TV’s and a laptop with 1% funds and proceeding to get estimates.  Later in the meeting the purchase of a flag pole with these funds was discussed.  The Department voted in favor of the purchases and signed the documentation.

There will be a CPR / First Aid course at the August 23, 2011 meeting.

Chief Widener asked assistance with cooking hamburgers Thursday August 11th for the Booster Club.

Bylaws will be presented at the next meeting.

The Department members present were polled as to who needed map books.

Chief Widener and the Department discussed the use of Mutual Aid within the City Limits.  Mutual Aid for calls in the County should be the 3 department close to the alarm.

Repair and use of the cascade system was discussed along with when the hydro test is needed for the cylinders.

The Department discussed repairs to the flooring and announced a work day on September 10th.

The haunted trail was discussed briefly but tabled until Chris Hudson can be contacted.

A retirement dinner will be held in the hall on Saturday.

A reminder was made if equipment is taken off a truck to return it.

The meeting was adjourned.

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