Sunday, February 19, 2012

January 10, 2012 Meeting Minutes

January 10, 2012

Chief Milton Widener called the meeting to Order.  An attendance roster was passed around for signature.  A quorum was present.

Chief Widener announced a 1% Fund audit for 2010 and 2011.  The 2012 1% budget Funds was discussed with a total of $9550.  A motion by Bill Johnson and a second by Roger Kaney to pass the budget.  The 1% Fund approval sheet was routed for signature with a 51% approval required.

The Department application for Tom Codrell was voted on with new applications for Mike and Stephanie Percey.

The Chief discussed new truck prices.  An effort is being made to help locate funds for a new or used truck.

The Forestry Grant quotes for equipment purchase are being received.  The Grant is for $4500 and and equal matching.

Chief Widener discussed the cost of specialty training and the need to attend when the Department has paid the costs. 

Chief Widener discussed some missing equipment after the Blacks Drive fire.

The Haunted Trail vendor will provide proceeds to the Fire Department and Rescue Squad.  The Department received a fund raising check from Fred’s Department Store with the proceeds going to restoration of the old fire truck.

Chief Widener appointed Chairs and solicited participation on various Committees to assist in Department functions.

The Department discussed at length the initiation event during the Christmas dinner.  The pro’s and con’s of conducting the event during the Christmas dinner was discussed.  Following the Department discussion the Officers convened a meeting to consideration alternatives.

The oil has been changed in the County trucks.  The Chief urged everyone to clean the trucks. 

Tax forms will be handed out at the next meeting.

A new County ID badge is available at the Health Department next to the airport.

The meeting was adjourned.

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