Sunday, February 19, 2012

January 24, 2012 Meeting Minutes

January 24, 2012

Thanks to Kathy Hunt for taking the minutes.

Chief Milton Widener called the meeting to Order.  An attendance roster was passed around for signature.  A quorum was present.  The Chief reminded members to sign the roster at all meetings and calls.

A discussion was held about the vendor funds from the Haunted Trial.  A motion was made by Larry Fields with second by David Bazzle to not pursue the funds.  Motion passed.

There will be a fire drill at Dixie Narco the next day and the Department will respond with 702, 706 and 705.

The Department received a donation of $100.  A motion was made and seconded to use the funds for the truck fund.

A color copier has been donated by Keith Sloan to the Department.

Three new applicants have been received by the department.  Two applicants Jason Bowers and Corey Lockwood were voted on by the Department.

The Chief reminded members to sign the roster at all meetings and calls.

SC tax credit forms were discussed.  To receive 70 points training, meetings and call response are counted – 15 meetings last year, two work days and the number of calls equal your percentage.

The fire on Blacks Drive was critiqued: Josh and Jason made attack; if you take Incident Commander you need to transfer command if you enter the structure.  The Department practiced IC.

The fire on Jones Ray Circle was critiqued: possible entrapment; Roger and Bill made initial entry; victim was recovered with a secondary search conducted; fire was investigated by State Law Enforcement.  Also discussed was the hydrant location for Jones Ray Circle.

The meeting was adjourned.

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